Choose Your Foundation


9 videos: 8 hours instruction

7 Lessons

guided real-time instruction
1 hour each (approximately)

2 Lessons

Review and Practice

Lesson 1

Verbs, Subjects and Direct Objects

Lesson 2

Verb Phrases, Subjects and Direct Objects

Lesson 3

Compound Subjects

Lesson 4

Compound Direct Objects

Lesson 5


Lesson 6

Compound Verbs

Lesson 7

Compound Predicates

Assessment / Review

15 Sentences with guided correction

Continued Practice

25 Sentences with guided correction


12 videos: 14.4 hours instruction

9 Lessons

guided real-time instruction
1 hour each (approximately)

3 Lessons

Review and Practice

Lesson 8-1

Prepositional Phrases Working as Adjectives

Lesson 8-2

Prepositional Phrases Working as Adjectives (continued)

Lesson 9-1

Prepositional Phrases Working as Adverbs

Lesson 9-2

Prepositional Phrases Working as Adverbs (continued)


Appositives: Nouns that Re-name Nouns

Lesson 11

Two Kinds of Verbs—Action Verbs and Linking Verbs; Predicate Adjectives

Lesson 12

Linking Verbs Followed by Predicate Nouns

Lesson 13

Indirect Objects

Lesson 14

The Compound Sentence

Assessment / Review

3 videos with guided correction

Sentences 1-10
Sentences 10-20
Sentences 21-30


21 videos: 22.4 hours instruction

All Lessons from both A and B

16 Lessons

guided real-time instruction
1 hour each (approximately)

5 Lessons

Review and Practice